Airports, airlines and slot coordinators have joined forces to call for some relief on slot rules during the northern hemisphere’s summer 2021 season.
“Slot-regulated airports serve almost half of all passengers and are the backbone of the global scheduled airline network,” the Worldwide Airport Slot Board said in a statement today. “But recovery is impossible while there is no certainty on the rules governing the use and retention of airport slots.”
Stressing that the 80:20 ‘use it or lose it’ slot rules “were never designed to cope with a prolonged industry collapse”, the WASB has called on regulatory authorities to adopt three principles for the summer season, stopping short of the full waiver applied during the summer 2020 and winter 2020-21 seasons.
They include a requirement that airlines “returning a full series of slots by early February be permitted to retain the right to operate them in summer 2022”.
Alongside that, the operating threshold for retaining slots would be reduced from 80:20 to 50:50, while WASB also suggests the adoption of “a clear definition for acceptable non-use of a slot” that considers, for example, “force majeure as a result of short-term border closures or quarantine measures imposed by governments”.
Airport slots board requests summer 2021
